Society has changed. LBJ started two wars and we've lost them both. First, of course, was 'Nam. Second, was the War on Poverty. Welfare became a profession since government paid "bucks for bastards." A single mom could draw until their kid was 18, as long as no male capable of support was present longer than sperm-donor requirement time. Further, when their daughter came into puberty, she could start a second check coming into the household. Culture became tolerant.
'Nam also made an entire generation disrespectful of authority. You can still see that in the history of Kerry and Hagel. Many stayed in education to maintain their 2S draft status, and perhaps that explains the uber liberal position of much of education, even to this day. After World War II and that GI Bill, I assure you that wasn't so before 'Nam. Shacking up became common.
Illegitimacy rates went from single digits to their current over 30% overall, and over 70% for blacks.
Many single moms go to heroic efforts to raise good kids; many don't. Males, especially, are kicked to the curb when they become old enough to support anyone. They joined gangs in droves. The crime rates skyrocketed.
During the 1990s, crime rates began dropping. Although many tried to claim this came from increased policing efforts, the correlation was to Roe v Wade. Abortion was taking them out early. Six states legalized abortion two years before it became national, and, sure enough, the crime rates dropped two years earlier in those six states.
Another tread was the change in economics for the middle class. At one time, the norm was one wage earner per household. It began shifting to where it required two wage earners, and single parenting became impoverishing.
This was, as we now know, finance taking over the world. At the start, finance was 10% of the total economy; it is now over 40%. We went from making stuff to making stuff up. Now, they need to remove the safety nets to extract those last billions. That requires a disarming of America. Starvation drives people to violence.