Thursday, September 26, 2013

Comparative International Educational Testing Over the Years

The test measures ability to think in reading, math, and science. The only thing the United States is number one is spending per pupil. Although Luxemburg actually spends more, it has a population less than Nashville.

The item I found of most interest is that there is a one-to-one relationship between a nation's scores and that nation's long-term economic growth. Guess there is value in students, who will become workers, being able to think analytically. Imagine that.

The other thing the graph illustrates is that a nation's scores can be improved over time--dramatically.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Arctic Ice Increase

The increase in Arctic ice is equivalent to about one-third the area of the United States. Guess the polar bears won't go extinct quite yet.

Of course, 6000 years ago, the world was much warmer and Arctic ice probably non-existent as indicated by ice cores and the fact that bananas grew in Sweden. That also explains why Finnish and Hungarian languages have some Japanese roots.

I wonder why the polar bears didn't go extinct then. Perhaps they didn't get the memo.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Hockey Schtick and Arctic Ice

The small rise coming out of the Little Ice Age at the extreme right of the graph shows the "hockey stick" of Gore's "Inconvenient Truth." The portion of the graph to the left of the Little Ice Age shows the balance of this interglacial period, indicating the "hockey stick" should be called the "hockey schtick."

The graph shows it was much warmer than today for the thousands of years of this interglacial, indicating the Arctic was ice free for those thousands of years. It also indicates the dire predictions of an ice free Arctic have already not happened aka are BS.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

False Flag For What?

Obama asks Senate for an Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) in Syria over an alleged chemical weapons attack. That AUMF was already worded incredibly wide, allowing the president to wage unlimited war over all the Middle East and beyond. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee widens even more so Obama can wage unlimited war in Syria and earth-orbit environs, as he wishes.

The Syrian gassing appears more and more to be a false flag which is being used for what? One begins to suspect the real intent is not just to fly a few cruise missiles into Syria, but a beginning to go after Iran and its nuke program.

If so, a lot of things make sense that otherwise make the National Command Authority look like it doesn't have sufficient brains to blow its nose. It does.