Not much real news the last couple days. The Republicans campaign on "We're not Democrats." The Democrats claim "We're not Bush." That's news?
Some wacko in Florida holds hostage the major figures of the non-War on Terror up to and including the Commander-in-Chief, and they don't know what to do about it. The media fans it like kids egging on a fight in the schoolyard. We're waiting, Mr. Prez. Got a clue?
The Secretary of State claims our debt and deficit place us in a disadvantage in foreign affairs. Really? Could that be true? With China the largest holder of US debt and manipulating their currency to give them trade advantage, we beg them to improve the situation, they ignore us, and we are afraid to correct the situation by simply placing a tariff on Chinese imports because they might dump our debt--and that prevents us from acting in our own best interest?
Makes one wonder how civilization has gotten this far if our fearless leaders cannot figure out and handle this simple situations. What are they going to do with the tough ones? I wouldn't expect it to go much better, but that's just a personal opinion.