Actually this is political BS. The government charges students 3.4% now, on money they borrow for 2.7% average, so government profits already. By doubling the rates charged to 6.8%, government would generate an extra $34 billion in profit. This extra profit is what they are trying to replace. In other words, they aren't giving anything to anybody unless you count the banksters.
Banksters borrow from the Fed window at 0.25% (no sic). They then buy government bonds paying 5.5%, take those back to the Fed window as collateral to borrow that much more at 0.25%, which they use to buy government bonds paying 5.5%, which they can take back to the Fed window, ad nauseam. Figured on a trillion dollars, the banks are making $55 billion less $2.5 billion they are paying to the Fed on little initial capital. If you wonder why banksters are not overly interested in making loans; It would cost them too much. In the meantime, the Fed proudly announces they have made $1.5 billion (0.25% minus the average note rate of 0.10%) profit from the banksters.
As Henry Ford once quipped, "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." It's morning.
So what the government proposes "giving" students is total BS. So is what they really are giving the banksters. Like I say, it's morning.