Friday, August 16, 2013

Evolution Continues

The four major inventions of history are thought to be the wheel, the plow, the printing press and the internet. I would argue the digital computer belongs on the list whether in addition to or in place of the internet. I favor in addition to.

In fact, the computer may well be the invention that replaces us. By simple projections of Moore's Law, a computer with the capacity of the human brain is within ten years, and in another ten years, will cost less then $1000. Where will your job be then?

By 2068, the computer will be able to think all the thoughts in the history of man in less than a second; by 2088, it will measure only a cubic centimeter and cost less than $1000. Where will you be then?

The projected computer makes a natural space explorer since it can exist in space and draw energy naturally. These will be the real explorers and, indeed, inhabitants of space. This, I suspect, answers Fermi's Paradox.
The Singularity Is Near